It's a display of the Confederate flag, hung from the gallows.
I think it's fantastic art. Some Southerners are quite offended. Freedom of expression includes your freedom to be offended.
Anyone who believes that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery needs to go back and take a high school history course. Ahh... remember when Republicans were the good guys?
Your comment on Debbie Schlussel's blog today gave me a good laugh - I love a good satire, and that was dead on - but I'm a bit disturbed that no one called you on it!
Echo Elendil. That comment rocked. Immortalize it here, man...
REAL ART, of course, is a Nigroe hanging from a tree...and Amerikkka would never tire of THAT but now this cuntry's going to the [mexican] dogs...yeah those Chocolate City dreams of yesteryear is becoming a reality today...
i found your blog via schlussels, and since tone of voice doesn't seem to carry over the web, it took me a second to realize it was sarcasm. Thank god it was though! Keep up the hilarious posts. There are some nuts over there(i'm looking at you thee_bruno)
Bro, your comments on Debbie Schlulssel's website are hilarious. Please keep 'em coming. She doesn't have a clue.
Why do pets hate America? LOL
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